Stefanie Wöhl
Bachelor theses completed (this page is not updated anymore):
- Die Auswirkungen des EU-Außengrenzmanagement der Agentur FRONTEX auf die Migrationsbewegung in die Europäische Union
- Die Gleichstellungspolitik in Österreich und welche Faktoren sie fördern oder behindern
- Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Asylpolitik der EU und dem Populismus in Europa
- Der politische Einfluss der türkischen Politik auf die EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen der Türkei
- Ursache und Wirkung von Euroskeptizismus – Vereinigtes Königreich und Österreich im Vergleich
- Die Veränderung der Bedeutung des Rates der Europäischen Union im Entscheidungsverfahren vor und nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon
- Vergleichende Analyse der Regierungssysteme und Europagremien Österreichs, Großbritanniens, Polens und Ungarns
- Die Euro-Krise als desintegrativer Triebmotor der Europäischen Union
- Die Flüchtlingspolitik von Deutschland und Italien im Vergleich
- Die Stabilisierung der griechischen Staatsschulden durch den Europäischen Fiskalpakt und den Europäischen Stabilisierungsmechanismus
- Die gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU in Form der polit-ökonomischen Sanktionen gegen Russland und deren Auswirkung auf die österreichische Wirtschaft
- Die Fluchtbewegung 2015 und ihre gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen auf Österreich
- Integration von Flüchtlingen aus dem aktuellen Syrienkonflikt am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt – Ein Vergleich mit der Flüchtlingsbewegung aus dem Bosnien-Konflikt Anfang der 1990er.
- Das Lohngefälle zwischen Frauen und Männern in Österreich im EU-Vergleich
- Entstehung der Terrororganisationen Al-Qaida und Islamischer Staat. Ein Vergleich der Medienstrategien, Ideologien und Finanzierungsquellen
- Die Rolle der Europäischen Union in der Ukraine-Krise
- Die Europäische Union und der Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus
- Die Rolle der EZB während der Euro-Krise
- Der ungewisse Weg der Türkei in die EU
Master theses completed:
- Die Pflegekrise in Österreich (M.A. 2020)
- Politische Systeme der Zukunft – Umweltschutz und Wohlstand ohne Wachstumszwang (M.A. 2020)
- Der Weg zum Brexit (M.A. 2019)
- Der Wandel der Tunesischen Zivilgesellschaft im Zuge des demokratischen Transformationsprozesses. (M.A. 2019)
- Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf – Analyse der österreichischen Familienpolitik 2008 bis 2019 (M.A. 2019)
Martin Pachel – Info Sheet BA Seminar Pachel
Master theses (This page is not updated anymore):
- Effects of technological advancement on the European labor market
- Wahrnehmungen und Gerechtigkeitsurteile bezogen auf die Vermögensverteilung in Österreich (Ernst Eugen Veselsky Award 2018)
- The macroeconomic effects of RTIAs on GDP growth, trade volumes and the economic output of the ICT industry in Germany and the USA
- Economic crisis, austerity and the health care sector. A comparative case study on the impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures on the health care sector of Greece and Sweden
Bachelor theses:
- #marx. Marxist Theories in the Age of the Digital Economy
- How is the position of women on the labor market affected by Parental Leave Policy?
- The Brilliance of Brexit and the Paradoxes of Neoliberalism
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Chile and its Effects in Society
- Effects of labor market restructuring on women’s employment opportunities in developing countries. Evidence from the garment industry in Bangladesh.
- Can bitcoin develop into a feasible alternative to fiat currencies? The application of the Regression Theorem to the case of bitcoin
- Policy measures as tool to reduce structural unemployment in the digital age. A Keynesian view on the Austrian labor market.
- Homo economicus – the not so fictional character
- Is Bitcoin a modern world currency?
- A state of purgatory: An analysis of the development path of emerging markets in the world-system and the influence of Western powers on the modern financial system
- A look into gender equality policies to increase the participation of women in the labour market. Comparison of Swedish and Greek policies.
- Is China using the Overseas Direct Investments (ODI) in Africa as a method to exercise neo-colonialism?
- Is more integration the answer to a crisis-ridden Europe?
- Dependency theory revised: An assessment of the core-periphery relationship in the 21st century.
- Emigration of young people from Slovakia after the Eastern European Enlargement in 2004 and its impact on the Slovak economy
- The “Girl Effect” in development policies – Empowerment of women or a new form of colonial civilising?
- Income inequality in Bulgaria: Implications for migration
- The Effects of Colonialism on the African Economy: An Analysis of Former French West African countries‘ economies
- The State’s Influence on the Accessibility of Higher Education in Modern Societies
- The introduction of Eurobonds as a response to the European financial crisis – A comparative analysis
- Industry 4.0 in Austrian manufacturing companies: future scenarios and the impact on low- and middle-qualified employees?
- Women in top executive positions in Austria: A Marxist-feminist perspective
- Corporate tax harmonization in the European Union: An exploratory study on minimum corporate tax rates
- Is there a causal relationship between income inequality and life expectancy? A study of median income, income inequality and life expectancy in Austria & the USA.
- Does religion hinder or contribute to the development and economic growth of a country? A detailed analysis of the Philippines.
- Environmental Economics: optimal and sustainable use of the natural resource water. Is the change to sustainable water management relevant and of high importance? What are the effects of its development on privatized and nationalized water markets?
- What are the current challenges of the Western European welfare state and what is the future course they want to pursue? A comparative analysis of the Austrian and the German welfare states and their social tendencies.
- The contribution of the oil price decline to the economic crisis in Russia in 2014-2016.
- The political economy and income inequality. A case study on the impact of regimes in power on income inequality in Brazil.
- The struggle of the developing world to gain access to essential medicines. An analysis of available tools.
- Effects of Economic Crisis on the Health Care Sector of Greece and Sweden. Is the health care sector subject to discriminatory financial state policy due to economic crisis? A comparative case study on the impact of economic crisis on the health care sector of Greece and Sweden.
- Human Trafficking and Dependency Theory: Can countries of origin and destination be explained by core and periphery of dependency theory?
- HIV/AIDS in developing countries: The importance to tackle HIV/AIDS at its roots by investing in HIV programs to foster economic growth: The effectiveness of workplace programs.
- Mergers and Buyer Power in Food Retail Distribution Sector. A Case Study of the Austrian Dairy Industry.
- Do coercive population control policies have more considerable economic and demographic effects than population planning policies? An examination on China’s and India’s population control policies.
- Promoting water privatization in developing countries –
The case of Nestlé and The World Bank in South Africa.
Bernhard Zeilinger – Info Sheet BA Seminar Zeilinger
Master theses (This page is not updated anymore):
- Externe Demokratieförderung der EU im Rahmen der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik. Analyse der Instrumente und Erfolgsfaktoren im Fall der Ukraine.
- Im Wartezimmer der EU: eine Analyse des Annäherungsprozesses der Türkei mit vielen Fragezeichen.
Bachelor theses:
- The conservative shift in the EU institutions and its effect on the Country-Specific Recommendations
- BREXIT – Shaping the Functioning of the EU and the Single Markets
- Social disruption in the EU? An Analysis on the legal leverage of Economic Policy Governance and the effect on Socioeconomic Policy Development in the European Semester
- Presidency of the Council of the European Union post-Lisbon – How did the influence of Member States change?
- Freedom of the Media and Autocracy: A case study on Turkey after the failed coup attempt from July 2016
- PESCO – A new beginning or the end for the Transatlantic Military Cooperation?
- Which measures are needed for refugee-specific integration into the labour market of Austria?
- Why are woman more affected by the consequences of the ongoing economic crisis in the Eurozone than men?
- The EU and Fundamental Rights: An analysis of sanctioning possibilities and their application.
- How to tackle the impact of the milk quota removal on European dairy farmers – A policy analysis on the CAP´s reformed payment scheme.
- Why is the EU Asylum Policy not achieving its intended aim of harmonizing Asylum standards and conditions across EU member states?
- Macroeconomic differences in the European Union. The impact of Germany´s Unit Labour Costs on the recovery of states during the sovereign debt crisis.
- Europeanisation of the defence policy of neutral EU member states. A case study on Austria.
- Why haven’t the previous intergovernmental banking regulations been able to stabilize the European Union banking sector during the financial crisis of 2008?
- Global partnerships for sustainable development: A study on the Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the African-Caribbean-Pacific countries and its implications for regional integration.
- The EU Diplomatic Service: Trapped within a Janus-Faced EU Foreign Policy.
- Interest Groups in the EU: Scrutinizing the Status Quo of EU regulations on Lobbying.