EUGENDEM workshop on Socioeconomic governance in the EU online

The first workshop on ‘Gender perspectives on EU socio-economic governance’ took place and can be viewed here.


Muireann O’Dwyer (University of St. Andrews, UK) and Stefanie Wöhl (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria): Gender in the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility

Anna Elomäki (Tampere University, Finland) and Rosalind Cavaghan (independent scholar, Visiting Researcher at University of Edinburgh, UK): Dead ends and blind spots in the European Semester: the epistemological foundation of the crisis of social reproduction

Barbara Gaweda (Tampere University, Finland): Framing the ‘social’ in the European Parliament: the European Pillar of Social Rights and party politics

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International Finance & World Trade Conference at University of Vienna

On September 28 to 29th the “International Finance and World Trade” Conference will take place at the University of Vienna (online). Stefanie Wöhl will present a paper on “Gendering Democracy and the International Political Economy. Perspectives beyond the ‘Growth’ Paradigm and the Need for Social Reproduction”. For more information and to register click here

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